Label Designer

UBS & NiceLabel

The NiceLabel driver is the label management system that has digitally transformed labeling.


NiceLabel is the label management system that has digitally transformed labeling. As a result, companies can reduce direct and indirect labeling costs and avoid missed opportunities.



The NiceLabel driver is compatible with the UBS APLINK Series, APLINK MRX and APLINK LCX Series, and with Zebra and Sato engine-equipped APLs.


APLINK MRX High Resolution Inkjet printers and Print and Apply APL devices have incorporated NiceLabel software for label management and printing on a single platform.



To download it you must: 

1.- Click on the link in the box.


*Driver compatible with versions v2.25 and higher. 



 2.-  Once you have done this, you will be led to the NiceLabel website, where you will have to fill in two fields:

    • First, you will have to select UBS from all the brands in the list.
    •  Then, you will have to choose the model you are looking for.




3.- When you have filled in the required information, you will have to click on "Find & Download".



4.- Again, you will be led to a new tab where you will have to enter an email adress and the labeling tools you use.






5.- Once this is done, just click on "Download Now" and the download will start automatically.




Learn more about NiceLabel management system.

Do you want to know how NiceLabel integrates and works with United Barcode Systems equipment? Contact our technical team.



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